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Thanks again, y'all, for signing up for the Saucy Hippo tier. If you haven't done so yet, be sure to fill out the Saucy Hippo Backer Survey , where you can weigh in on what kind of pin-up stuff you like and what you'd like to see here in the future!

Anyhow, I thought I'd kick things off with a new Dev piece, since she's a popular request for  actual  non-joke pin-ups. (Probably because I don't do many of them with her!) I've kept the preview SFW, but you can view the full (NSFW) piece over here

I thought a pin-up designed around Dev's regular outfit -- or, uh, parts of it anyway -- would be an interesting, relatively simple concept to use for this tier's inaugural piece. But that shirt in the second image turned out to be really hard to draw, so what do I know! 



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