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Here's a fresh link to the Saucy Hippo Vault for February! And with it, two freshly added pages of Personal Training! You'll find the full uncensored versions of both in Recent Additions.

I am so pleased with how this story is turning out! Much like Private Time and Gert's Gambit, I am really enjoying getting to combine the humour and character writing of my "normal" comics with a very unapologetically 18+ story. More to come soon!

Also coming soon... more sketch request pages! There's still time to send me your requests for who you'd like to see doing what next time. I want to practice drawing lots of different kinds of things in Procreate, so I'll aim to pick (and combine) a wide variety of suggestions... from pin-ups to smutty stuff, silly ideas to serious ones, popular characters to obscure ones. Pow!




I'm excited to learn how Dev and X's training ends up being the trigger that results in the death of Figital McDigits. It's all coming together!!