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Behold... a new month of bonuses!

All backers: The new art vote is live!  Help me pick a new Dev & Sam pin-up, and a gaming-themed Buddy Bot dress-up piece. Also, be sure to check out last month's K-2SO and Pokemon-themed pieces if you missed 'em!

S&F Extra backers: The new issue is out!  See the making of last month's bonus pieces (including an exclusive Misty variant of the Pokemon one), as well Ninja Mafia hiring posters, Christmas dogs, kobolds, and more.

Secret Art Vault backers: the Art Vault and Pin-Up vaults have been updated with new concept art, new commissions, and a new moderately racy Dev pin-up based on the old undercover burlesque story. I'm also asking Vault backers for advice this month about a possible future pin-up themed tier with more custom pieces, so if you're a Vault backer, let me know what you think! 

Thanks for all your support through 2016, friends. Looking forward to doing even more cool stuff this year!




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