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The second batch of August's bonus drawings are done! Here's the remaining six of your suggestions that I randomly selected and MADE REAL with ink and paper and magic (computers).

Also ready for you: this month's bonus art poll! Have at it, friends.

Mr Sin Playing Pokemon Go
I got a few Go-themed suggestions, so when this one was selected I worked a couple others in as well.

Sam as Geralt from The Witcher
With Fuzzy as his Horse roach! (That part was my bad idea.)

Jess as a Pin-Up-y Tiger
I assume this request came directly from noted cat-fetishist Mr. Y, hence his inclusion.

Bonus riding a unicorn fighting the King of all octopi

Devahi being super-efficient at filing while handling a million calls in the old NMS office

I wasn't sure WHICH Arthur meme, so I picked the one where he looks like he's about to punch a guy out. Seemed appropriate!

Thanks for all your great suggestions, friends! I had fun mixing things up this month doing all these little guys. But what did YOU think? Did you like it, or did you miss the big colour ones? You can tell me in this month's art poll!

-Sam Logan



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