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Team! Here's what's new this month:

All Backers: The new Art Poll is now live, and open 'til August 15th!  I'm doing something a little different this month... instead of holding a multiple choice vote for two big pieces, I'm asking backers to submit specific suggestions for S&F portrait and pin-up pieces... then picking a bunch of them entirely at random and drawing them as smaller pieces! That's right: if you submit an idea, I might wind up drawing it... no matter how great, terrible, or crazy it might be! I like to live dangerously.

S&F Extra Backers:
The new issue is out! This one is jam packed with Baker and President Dog, Romeo and Juliet, and a bonus extra Jess Star pin-up. (Plus the making of last month's vote pieces and other fun stuff!)

Secret Art Vault Backers: The vault has been updated with new con sketches, new pin-up commissions, and new layered PSDs. There are now over 1400 files in the vault. (Dang!)

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support! I know everything was a pinch late this month due to Gen Con madness... but I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy your digital swag!




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