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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with five uncensored nsfw pages of our current Bats On, Bats Off story!   You can find them all in Recent Additions or Comics!

Four of these pages appeared on the S&F site earlier this month in heavily censored form. But the shower room page did not -- and never will -- because it is impossible to censor without ruining the joke!

It has been a heck of a month, friends. I've had to take off to deal with a family emergency, which means I don't have access to my usual workspace for a bit. Fortunately, I already had this big thwack of content ready to share with you all! But I'm eager to finish up the next bit of Gert's Gambit ready as soon as I'm back with my tablet again.

(Speaking of Gert's Gambit, the results of our survey about sex scenes were, like... hilariously one-sided. Guess how many people voted against explicit visuals? Zero! Not a single human being. lol! So, I am just gonna go ahead and draw this sucker the way I think will be the most fun.)



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