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A little bonus something extra has been added to the Vault today, Saucy Hippo backers... an alternate version of the comic in the gallery above, which I ran for the last two days on samandfuzzy.com! You can find the alternate version with the uncensored final panel is on the Vault in Recent Additions.

Now, I designed the final panel of this comic specifically with the intent of using big speech balloon for humorous censorship purposes... so the "censored" version really is the "real" version. It's part of the joke! 

But even though I was going to cover part of it it up, I still had to sketch out the entirety of Jess's bizarre pose just to figure out how the heck it was actually going to work. So, I figured I might as well finish it up and share it as a bonus variant here! It's a very weird position... I based it on a few different photo references, but adjusted the arm positions to make it a little more impossible looking. (The models needed both of their arms to hold themselves up!)

Anyway, just a fun little thing I thought you might enjoy. Pow!



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