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A trio of new pieces (plus 4 variants!) have been added to the Saucy Hippo Vault! You can  find the full/nsfw versions in Recent Additions.

I've been a little quiet lately because I was on a little vacation. But I'm back now with this extra huge update. There is a lot!!

First off we have Gert's Debut pg. 5... possibly the most time-consuming comic page I have ever drawn in my life, lol. Not only did I need to learn more than I ever thought I would about pole dancing, but I also had to pick a move with steps that would fit well with the page layout and dialogue. I'm really happy with it, though, which is why I've also included a larger stand alone image of just the dancing sequence!

Next up: Jess and Dev Hit the Showers, Pt. 1! As the title suggests, this is going to be the first in a small set of illustrations. (Brought to you by a generous commissioner!) This first piece takes some inspiration from back when Jess was training Dev in martial arts. The judo outfit version is the original, but I made a swimsuit variant to match a swimsuit variant of the upcoming shower-based Pt. 2. This is going to be a fun set! It is not entirely "canon" but I like to think of it as a semi-plausible multiversal branch.

And last but not least, I decided to go back and do a proper inked and coloured version of the Candice sketch. I decided to set it in the stockroom of Bunton's Books, and made a couple of variants incorporating different parts of Candice's classic outfit. It was interesting to draw a new piece based on such an old sketch! I had a lot of fun updating it and seeing how my style has changed.

Thanks, everyone! Back soon with more stuff.




everything here is awesome but as a jess/dev shipper i am just EMBARRASSINGLY into that page oh geez


Given that it’s no longer Gert’s Debut (but Gert’s Gambit), that the page where she and Sam agreed to this was posted more than a year ago, with “Private Time” occurring in the middle, and that story has featured both Sam and Gert getting worked up over the event… I think you might have raised the expectations a little here. But I’m confident you’ll pull it off!


Hahah! I thought a LOT about how this chapter was going to work, but I think I came up with a good solution. Not to spoil anything too much, but like the previous Gert/Sam scenes, this chapter is more focused on the increasingly steamy interplay between the two characters than it is on the burlesque performance part. In other words, this story is not about topping the crazy act in Gert's Debut... it's about topping the crazy flirting in Private Time, haha. Also gosh, has it really been a year? I will admit, sometimes I do think about how much faster I could get through the stories here if I didn't also have to draw three regular comics a week for the main site, haha