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It's December! I thought I'd make my Christmas parodies a tradition by drawing a Grinch-ified Mr. Sin and Baker.  Originally, I thought I might model them after the original Seuss art, but in the end I couldn't resist going with something more akin to the Chuck Jones animated version. (Which, for my money, remains the best version of the story, no matter how many times they try to remake it, haha!)

I'll be posting some more seasonal artwork later this month! But for now, I've also included my previous Charlie Brown Christmas parody. As you may have guessed, I just have a real soft spot for Christmas-related media. There are a lot of different movies and specials that I make sure to watch every year.

Are there any Christmas parodies, or other holiday-related scenes, that you'd like to see me tackle? Sound off in the comments below!




I think this is the most likes I've ever had on a single post on here!