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Here's another little experiment at re-framing a character's "regular" outfit into something pin-upy... this time with Candice instead of Dev! You'll find the full (mildly nsfw) pin-up in the Recent Additions folder of the Saucy Hippo Vault.

And a reminder to anyone who hasn't had the chance yet... be sure to chime in on the new pin-up poll and let me know what kind of "backer's choice" pin-ups you'd like to pick in the future! I have lots of fun coming up with ideas myself, but I think it'd be fun to let you guys call the shots sometimes.

Speaking of my own ideas, I do like this "re-framed regular outfit" idea quite a bit. But its potential as a series might be limited by the fact that a lot of the cast's regular outfits are kind of similar to one another. Such is the curse of a comic full of uniformed mafiosos!



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