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To each of my patrons of the last few years, let me start with my gratitude that we had the time we’ve had together.
Without each of you, this post would have shown up in 2018.

My best friend as many of you know, is a correctional sergeant, who was injured on duty. Which is why,

for 5 years, I’ve given my support to my best friend. For the past 3 years, my work has been the sole income she’s had. The patreon donations monthly, the one time donations friends pitching in, we’ve manage to keep her and her children together on that alone. One hell of a feat for a bunch of gamers and a content creator.

However that has come to an end with little warning. Her landlord after 8 years tenancy, has decided like everyone else in this entire region to sell her home. The housing crisis has sent the price of homes well beyond their value. In her city of 4000, there are no homes for rent, no vacancies And 300 homes for sale. 

The next available rentals at all are over an hour away, those rentals are highly contested due to the severe housing crisis. There are far more renters than available spaces for rent and the cost of renting greatly exceeds what it would normally be.
Needless to say we’re unable to find her a place to rent. She’d been denied up to 2 hours way. Her application just isn’t good enough.

She’s applied for everything available for assistance, and she’s gotten everything they offer, everything else she was denied. She cannot get housing assistance at all, she’s on her own.

So here we are. Members of my community have gotten together now to raise the money to just buy the house. Might sound extreme, but with no shelters, no assistance for housing and nowhere to rent, it’s the only thing we could think to do.

Her only chance at renting being a denied applications for not having enough income to meet the new higher rent demands, would be to somehow pay a whole lease off up front. Equally ludicrous.

If you’re reading this, I’d like to ask you to share her story and her page, as we don’t have enough of a voice to get people to see what’s going on, so that they can even decide to help or ignore her. She doesn’t have any family. We are what she’s got.

I don’t ask for a single person to donate anything. You’ve all supported me valiantly. I wouldn’t ask another penny. I just ask that you take a vested interest in us. Please. We neither have any family to rely on. That simple system that makes these fundraisers work. Its proven very difficult to get people to take a personal interest in her success. Even though it’s a click or a text and words so people can see it to look and decide for themselves if she’s worthy of support, I just can’t convince enough people.

I have to somehow replace a family for us. You all, you’ve all whom have taken any interest in my 5000 hours and 4 years nonstop work, and support, which everyone gets regardless of supporter status are the closest we have to family or connection.

I close this, by asking please. Text a friend. Call your mom, get on Facebook and tell your friends, tweet your followers, please tell them we’re fighting alone. Please tell them I’ve pulled us up by our bootstraps so hard that they’ve finally snapped. I’ve worked myself sick to earn whatever support she’s offered, and have given all my work free without exception.

I have all the documents uploaded should anyone need to fact-check anything at all.

Thank you for reading,

Sheryl, Alister, Autumn, Nigel & Lefein Creator of World Difficultly and founder of Madeleine’s Mod Shoppe 



Sheryl and Alister

My friend, (Fmr.) Sergeant Sheryl Chavez and her disabled baby boy Alister. Please take a moment, and hear what she has to say. She was disabled from a workplace injury in a maximum security men’s prison, that injury resulted in a medication that crippled her son, which was not changed while she was pregnant despite obvious danger signs. https://gofund.me/d9cfcff8


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