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I have finally gotten functional boss enemy files in a playable state. Gryphon, Cockatrice and so forth. If you'd like to update your game with them, just send me an alert in our Discord server. 

These files are WIP; They will only be distributed to our supporters. Once they've been thoroughly tested and completed they will be added into a currently existing WD install.

Remember, if there is content you'd like to see, or even if it's something you'd like created, you need only send me an alert in #Patrons. I will always do anything I can for my supporters. 

Considering how hard I work, and the sheer amount of time I put in for those who honestly only care about their free content, I would deny you all nothing I am physically capable of doing.

I owe you all for my ability to even write this, you've kept the roof over our heads, thank you. I just wish I could provide more to you.

- Lefein 


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