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As many of you know, we're in the sights of a major hurricane that will include catastrophic flooding, and apocalyptic tornados. Which has already started. While I have an internet connection, I want to take this time to thank each and everyone of you for absolutely everything.

Some of you have tenured as my patrons since the very beginning. I want you to know, no matter what happens, if the house collapses, if it floods, if the winds rip off the roof and blows us away, if nothing happens, it we're unable to sustain our home despite it's condition on the first of October and we just lose whatever is left;

Each and everyone of you have our love and our thanks. Neither of us will ever, ever forget you no matter what happens. You all have been the blessing we've never deserved. I only hope what I've been capable of creating for you, has served as even a small remuneration and value for everything you've given, and carried for us all.

- Corrinne (Lefein) Noël & Sheryl, and children.


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