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Our thread about what's recently happened was received better than I could have ever hoped. I was absolutely terrified to make that post, afraid I would just find no one cares. I know that's unworthy of me, and I shouldn't judge people that way without reason, but the cynic in me said that it was possible. For this, I am sorry to each and everyone of you.

I've worked on this project 2 years now, this Patreon has also existed for those 2 years. Over that time I've received varying amounts of support, and because of that support I have never once set this project down. This is the first time in those 2 years I have spread word about the project, the situation, or the existence of this page. The week the project started, a post was made about why I had picked it up, and that there was a new Patreon page to draw support that goes directly to my friend and not to me. After that, the only promotion my Patreon got was a small link in the mod description and occasionally was mentioned in our server.

I felt like it would be very poorly received if I tried anything like that. I let the word spread to obtain the WiP files, (at the time 2.0) that all of my patrons are provided download keys to anything unreleased. As many of my new patrons know from the thread, we've just stumbled and the only way we're going to survive at all is to spread the weight we're carrying out so it's lighter.

I want to thank each and absolutely everyone of you for your help. I have a very large amount of WiP content to share with you all, and I am continually attempting to finish this project daily while minding my other responsibilities. I've just started posting newly compiled links in the #Patrons area of the Discord server to make getting the content out to all of you faster, and easier with a 1 download installation. You all have personal access to me in #Patrons, if you need anything please, do let me know. If it's in my power to : Create, Fix, Listen, Play, or otherwise anything at all - I am at your disposal. Thank you all so much again.

Oh project update! Another 3GB's of BBI was just compiled and sent for testing! You'll be getting a link soon. (Once it's debugged) There is a major hurricane heading in our direction, so my goal right now is to get EVERYTHING I can uploaded and finished, it's a very dangerous storm, I'll feel better knowing before it happens that those that support me have gotten as much as I can provide if there is a period where I can't be here because of disaster.

- Lefein


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