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A final major World Difficulty by Lefein is finally after a year very much so nearing completion. As those of you who follow my work and progress know, I have been:

Maintaining 24 hour tech support for nearly 2 years. 7 days a week, 24 hours per day with the help of several moderators to assure the nonpeak hours are covered.

Working on multiple versions of World Difficulty at a time. 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0.

What you might not have known, is I have also been working on a major universal content expansion framework for all versions. Due to how the files work, it allows me to make simultaneous changes to all the files I am working on at once, effectively allowing me to work on several different parts of the project at one time. 

This is as maddeningly confusing as it sounds, and it's certainly caused more than it's fair share of headaches, but it was required for me to be able to continue to perform the work of an entire team, alone with having any hope of producing part of any separate projects to a point of completion, I was left with no choice but to do it this way.

I am pleased to finally say one of the major expansions I've been working on is about to be released as a Beta for the enjoyment of my patrons. It still has some more work to go before it reaches a public release, but very soon it will be completely safe to use enough for a Beta release. I am very proud to have reached this milestone. I have put in thousands of hours never knowing if any of this would be completed. I have lost nearly a lifetime of sleep to get to where I am kneeling now.

I have a determination to provide value for money to those of you who support me, and this will be the first major remuneration of value to you, my patrons since the Beta release of 2.0 the limited public release of 2.0, and the Beta release of 3.0

I truly hope you'll enjoy it, this past few days I have been furiously testing assets and recording the results on my YouTube channel if any of you are interested in seeing it.

I'll be posting this content to my Mediafire page, and I will be sending out the download keys to you as soon as it's uploaded.

Thank you as always for the support, to see some of the assets used, (not the actual encounters those are a secret as always)  some of the new AI in action, and an idea of how much progress I've made, please take a look at "Lefein Noel" on YouTube.

- Lefein



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