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I apologize for the lack of posts. My friends child has been put into physical therapy twice a week for the next year. I'm not going to go into all of their personal business, just things have not improved.

The WD 2.0 trailer is in the works now, I look forward to everyone seeing what's in store for them. Because the launch version of 2.0 is different from the patron version, I've had to build it again. Which of course, caused bugs all over. Which I am currently working on. I am expanding 2.0 into the scripted boss battles, which will also explain some of the delay. I didn't originally intend to do that.

Gregori has seriously eaten through my time. (He's currently immortal) If it continues to fail, I'm just going to launch the world, and the enemy packs.

World Difficulty 2.0 (Patron Version) will continue to be for Patrons only, there are of course many other patron only files posted to your special area in the Discord. Please, don't forget to check the pinned messages to get them. I will always make available files made specifically for you all, because I will always do any and everything I can to provide you as much value for your support as I can. Of course, as 2.0 launches, 3.0 will be provided to my Patrons in an alpha/beta state. 

Also remember, you're free to share files I give you with anyone you wish.

There will be another update in a few days, hopefully with the new trailer attached to it.

(A community member is creating the trailer.)

Thank you as always for your support, without it - I wouldn't have an internet connection to provide you anything.



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