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This Patreon exists to raise money for my best friend. Everything raised is hers. Anyone who is a Patron, is already supporting her. I am posting this here as a request for anyone who sees this to share it for us on any social media you have access to.

Anyone who does, Patron or not will get access to the final version of 2.0.

Thank you, each and everyone of you for your support. No, frankly we might not make it out of the pinch this time. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate each of you. You've all helped in your own way to keep us going for a year. That's a hell of a feat for just a bunch of gamers and a content developer.

If this is my last post, you guys kick ass. I love each of you.

Corrinne & Sheryl


Sheryl Needs Backup

I've never made a lot of money in my profession. It's not something you do to get rich. The little bit I made, I risked my life for it on a daily basis. I don't have any family, my children are all...


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