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On this edition of Backstage Pass, I'll be talking about…
How I form scripts for OBT! The violent clickity clack of my keyboard intensifies.

So you may be wondering, “Woo, how do you create such delightful scripts for your comic?” And the answer to that my friends, is with the help of a program developed by one of my university classmates! I initially just beta tested it by making mock scripts for OBT, but found it was actually very handy for my process so I continued to make use of it. It’s a pretty nifty program that makes it easy to write in movie-style scripting format, a la easy to use shortcuts. While I would like to share the software itself though, said classmate wants to finish developing the software more before releasing it to the public! So for now, this one is locked in the Disney Vault.

Scripts usually follow a written summary, where I flesh out quick descriptions for scenes. Then, I send it over to my beta reader to have it picked apart! Once I put it through the wringer a couple of times, I finally start to finalize it and thumbnail out the comic. However, it’s not uncommon for me to change scenes or dialogue on the fly once I get a visual on how everything goes down. Sometimes text fits better in bubbles if I edit it, and sometimes something I wrote down doesn’t make much sense when actually visualized. Either way, it’s a messy but fun process to go through!


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