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I really didn't catch feelings for npc daddy when I played Sw/Sh?! But I am glad I drew him now and gave him some love hehe.

So this is the last post for the 2$ tier for this month. I hope those who came for the poké smut enjoyed their stay and if you are not interested or not able to continue supporting me in February. You can delete your pledge now. Thank you till here and hopefully we'll see us again <3

The code for Version 2, with two additional doodles, on my gumroad shop is:

"The Year in which Pokémon Diamond & Pearl were released in Japan + my baby boy favorite Pinguin Pokémon from the Sinnoh-Region. All together, small letters. (so basically like this written 0000dddddd)





Kabu and the staff npc look incredible 🥴

Degenerate Dino

Dude, this final piece is incredible. You're gonna take me out with how good the art has been this month. I can't wait for next month now!


you really outdid yourself with this one


That npc is hotter than he has any right to be. So good ivy. You've knocked it out of the park this month, truly.


kabu looks so damn good