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I had a great time coloring this piece, really enjoy the character and the sexy side of Jury, also is a good excuse to paint a tight shinny outfit and voluptuous boobs . hope you guys like it as well. I'll be setting this as a print on my easy store, after a new piece of B2 Im planing to draw. 

higher res file on 5$ tier XD




Will you put a download link for mobile?


I love it Juri just fits your style so well. She looks gorgeous!


I love your art style. This really nailed Jury's sexy side.

Ricky Fang

MMmmmmm! Sweet work on Juri! Skin tight n SHINY is always welcome :)


So is Jigglygirls dead?


you're trying to kill me man :(


Some of your best work. Like you need another excuse to draw voluptuous boobs. :P


Fantastic! Love the color job you gave her.

Mason Ramar

As stated before I will be buying this print, NO QUESTION! Its pretty hard to critique any art you do, especially as it pertains to sexy females because u r Godly at it! Can't think of anything to say I haven't said in past, love the drawing/composition, love the "juicy" coloring, you captured her character perfectly. Thanks for doing this piece Reiq! Let us know when she arrives on etsy :)


I love your Jury, so gorgeous.


Fuck yesssssss I love this so much! Need a print. Need.