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Hi My Dear Patreons,

It has been a a while since my last post! I've been dealing with a lot of issues regarding the figurine, the sculptor I was working initially to complete the figurine got busy with bigger projects (that pay more), so he could only guide me through the process when available, promised many time to help and cancel at the last minute, so I had to learn how to use Zbrush as fast as I could to work on the figurine, the stress was building already! 

As rewarding as it is, It's very slow to learn a new software so things took longer to complete, therefore many projects have been on halt or delayed since these event have been unfolding  This is as far as I could take the sculpture with my current skills and now it will be worked and polished by another sculptor in the upcoming days. I have learned a lot about the process on how to sculpt figurines on Zbrush so I'm pretty happy about it as one of this years goal is to learn more Zbrush and expand my skills! 

I'll be updating tomorrow with some sketches and artwork I did for Dave Mendoza's Kickstarter comic Sad Girl Psycho. I can finally go back and work on the rest of the pending artwork! Time to Kick Ass!!!

Thank you for the support guys!!! 






You did an amazing job Reiq, she is going to look so incredible


thank you! it has been very stressful! I want this to be the best that it can be!


Looking good, the curves! 👍🏻


Looking good man, proud of all your hard work!


What about you take us along the ride and make a video about how you use zbrush? Could make for an interesting series, I would love to follow along. Zbrush is already installed on my PC, I just need a reason to start using it :D. Will you sell the figures later or is it purely for private use?


This is cool! Will this be available to purchase once conpleted? Also, are you going to start doing new JigglyGirls?

Mason Ramar

Sucks to hear about the setbacks happening with this project. I hope that things work out, because shes looking Marvelous! PLEASE Reiq continue to keep the figure moving forward, what you have been able to do despite everything is just AWESOME!

Ryan Voeltner

dang really good for just learning it


What ever happened with this project?