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Hi Guys I made a new video talking about legs, this is an informal video where I talk about my approach and the most useful ways I have learn when drawing legs, Silhouette, flow, structure and more. make sure to check the last part of the video as I added a continuous set of my drawing some legs where you can see how I combine my explanations. a lot of helpful tips! 

Eventually I want to make a more indeep tutorial, so I'll appreciate some feedback as well as questions you might have after watching the tutorial and what would you like to see, so  I can improve the final version.

Thanks for your support! 

Video link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RpaldDATF-pqFkiVqC8ysMKCBoAS43NQ

Uncompressed video:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aXf6R2OlJhA4h0r0uPTQTYx0s64_nUdk 




Reiq You read my mind, I needed an urgent tutorial like this, thank you.


Let me know what you think! Hope it helps!


Reiq thank you! i just finished the video, is so useful, i already make a lot of sketches to try understand the basic forms! Muchas gracias!


That’s sweet! Let me know what you think I can expand on!


Looks 'brety gud'. Thank you.


Gracias, ya tengo una idea clara de cómo hacer piernas. Podrías hacer un pack con todos los dibujos de piernas que hiciste, me servirían bastante.