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This video looks into the code and explains the reasons for many of the bugs and crashes in NES Tetris as you get to insanely high levels. Strap in, it's a long one!


Bugs & Glitches of High-Level NES Tetris

Why does NES Tetris start to break if you play for too long? It's all explained right here. LINKS Support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rgmechex Join the RGMechEx Discord Server: http://discord.rgmechex.com Follow RGMechEx on Cohost: https://cohost.org/RGMechEx INLINE LINKS NES Tetris Crash Theory Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zAQIo_mnkk0c9e4-hpeDvVxrl9r_HvLSx8V4h4ttmrs/edit?usp=sharing HydrantDude: @hydrantdude3642


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