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I made a video a few months back about our house renovations, and now they are mostly complete! I'd like to share a video about how it all turned out as a thank you for everyone's generous support that help accelerate the process and get everything finished just in time for the new year!


House Update 2024!

Thank you so much for your support! Because of everyone's help on Patreon and YouTube (through pledges, memberships, subscriptions, and just viewership in general), I was able to finish work on our house that has been a work in progress for the past few years. It really means a lot to me, and I hope now with a comfortable living space I can work more effectively and efficiently while also maintaining good mental health.



This is such great progress. Looks so cosy now!


Looking good! You've lapped me... :-D


I hold the highest respect for people who do their own construction work. I draw the line at painting. Amazing work!