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Update time!

It's been a bit since I released anything (videos and articles alike) so I feel like I owe at least a short update post so you know I'm still here. Long story short: things have been hectic with the house renovations, but they're almost complete now. Next video should be out mid December if everything goes to plan! I might be able to put out two more articles this month, but regular weekly articles will definitely return in January even if that's not the case. I'm excited to finally be able to have all this inconsistency and instability dealt with, and hopefully for actual realsies I'm able to keep a true video schedule next year.

Long story long: The Patreon shoutout video I posted back in August helped out a ton, and then the SMB3 Roulette video did really well. So with the extra wiggle room I was able to push forward and spend the majority of October working on the house. I got the walls mostly put up by the end of the month and I figured it would be time for a break so I could get working on the next video for November.

One of the last things I did was call out a carpet guy to measure our rooms and get the order in, since I knew from the last time we got carpet, it took a good month for the order to process and everything. That way I could spend time working on the next video, and by the time it was done, I'd have just enough time to prepare the space for the carpet installation. Things were going to plan until I got a call that they could install it all in a week! Now me, really wanting to get the house done as quickly as possible, agreed to that--but it meant I had to focus the next week preparing for the installation (paint, trim, cleanup). In hindsight I definitely overworked myself (I ended up finishing the place mere hours before the carpet went in).

The next week I was able to furnish and move my setup into the new rooms, and then I spent that time just recovering from all that work. Then the next week was Thanksgiving here, so I wasn't able to get much done then either. Which brings us to now! I'm going to be out of town this weekend, but once I get back I'll finally have time I can dedicate to work again! While also not feeling like my body is falling apart! I'm definitely going to focus to try to get the next video out before I go out of town again for Christmas (18th-28th).

Once I'm back from that and the new year starts, I should have enough time to dedicate to work now that I'll be able to reach a consistent video per month and article per week. I've still got a little bit of work left on the house, but it is nowhere near as daunting as it was before. Once it's all finished and furnished (can't wait to have a dining room table again), I'll make another video tour so you can compare it to what it looked like back in August!

Thank you again for all of your support, without it I would not be able to do any of this, and I would definitely not be able to dedicate so much time to something that isn't work for long periods at a time like this. It truly means a lot to me, and I hope to be able to provide enough fun and interesting content in return to make up for it.




Congratulations on all the home ownership progress! Please don't feel too pressured on the video timelines :) Happy Holidays!