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VaM is a vast sandbox with tons of possibilities, so I thought I'd share some FAQ-type nuggets of knowledge, that I can reference later. Let me know if this is something you'd like to see more of.

So you found an incredible girl and want to try her on other scenes, but everything breaks because she was supposed to take off her shirt and it's gone now.

This is what you do:

1. Save the look of the person (skip this if you already have an Appearance Preset)

  • Toggle UI (hotkey: U), Activate Edit Mode (hotkey: E), and select the person (hotkey: N)
  • Go to the Appearance Presets tab
  • Give your Preset a name (you can organize in folders using the format 'Folder/Appearance name' as shown)
  • Press Create New Preset

2. Lock the Clothing Preset.

  • Load your target scene
  • Toggle UI (hotkey: U), Activate Edit Mode (hotkey: E), and select the person (hotkey: N)
  • Go to Control & Physics 1 tab
  • Press Preset Locks Overview
  • Select ClothingPresets

3. Load your saved Appearance Preset.

  • Go to the Appearance Presets tab
  • Press Select Existing...
  • Navigate to your saved Preset.

That's it. Enjoy!




hey great I didn' knew that, that super cool! yes please share your knowledge.


btw, is there a way to load a random appearance or clothing preset on load of a scene?


Love these little tidbits thanks!


How about to keep the size physical morph but change the face/look?

VirtAmateur (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 09:12:11 Oooh, Face/Off! Possible? Yes, but not simple enough for a quick tutorial. I'll give you an outline of how I'd go about this. The easiest way I know, is to use the plugin "BodySwap" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4pbSrG5tqSMBiE2Q6zfC2Q761KEqgtR/view?usp=sharing (place in Virt-A-Mate\Custom\Scripts) . This works for MOST morphs, you'll have to experiment. Add recipient and donor person to the scene and add the plugin to the recipient. Open Custom UI > "select via scene" > "copy from " > "Select Head" > Copy Morphs. The almost-always-works-but-tedious way would be to create a morph preset for the face or body you want to transplant and load that with "Use Merge Load" selected. If you are transplanting a body, all body morphs of the recipient must be at default, the same for the face. Hope that helps.
2021-04-09 12:36:35 Oooh, Face/Off! Possible? Yes, but not simple enough for a quick tutorial. I'll give you an outline of how I'd go about this. The easiest way I know, is to use the plugin "BodySwap" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4pbSrG5tqSMBiE2Q6zfC2Q761KEqgtR/view?usp=sharing (place in Virt-A-Mate\Custom\Scripts) . This works for MOST morphs, you'll have to experiment. Add recipient and donor person to the scene and add the plugin to the recipient. Open Custom UI > "select via scene" > "copy from " > "Select Head" > Copy Morphs. The almost-always-works-but-tedious way would be to create a morph preset for the face or body you want to transplant and load that with "Use Merge Load" selected. If you are transplanting a body, all body morphs of the recipient must be at default, the same for the face. Hope that helps.

Oooh, Face/Off! Possible? Yes, but not simple enough for a quick tutorial. I'll give you an outline of how I'd go about this. The easiest way I know, is to use the plugin "BodySwap" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4pbSrG5tqSMBiE2Q6zfC2Q761KEqgtR/view?usp=sharing (place in Virt-A-Mate\Custom\Scripts) . This works for MOST morphs, you'll have to experiment. Add recipient and donor person to the scene and add the plugin to the recipient. Open Custom UI > "select via scene" > "copy from " > "Select Head" > Copy Morphs. The almost-always-works-but-tedious way would be to create a morph preset for the face or body you want to transplant and load that with "Use Merge Load" selected. If you are transplanting a body, all body morphs of the recipient must be at default, the same for the face. Hope that helps.

Futa Fan 2019

thank you so much for this information! been vamming for about 7 months and did not know about the ' lock " preset clothing trick! nice!