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Hey all!

Interesting news today. Last week, I found out I was nominated for Videographer of the Year by the Esports Awards. They may not be able to say Evo right, but hey, at least they can recognize good talent!

Fellow FGC member Vexanie is also up for Photographer of the Year, so do me a favor and cast a vote for both of us over at  esportsawards.com/vote/

Hard at work on the next two videos, one on the Two Person One Controller Blindfolded Punch-Out run at AGDQ 2020 and the other on the development of Slippi and rollback netcode for Melee. Hoping to get those out in September and October respectfully, so I can take some time off in November.

Stay safe!

- Esteban 

P.s: I know I still need to make that gear video for hitting 100 patrons. Doing a bit more research to see what an affordable kit looks like in our current covid era. I'll have something soon-ish! 



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