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Hey all!

I'm back with another bonus video, this time with a focus on something a bit out of our usual realm. Awhile back, I made a post about expanding on what I cover on the channel, citing communities like speedrunning and rhythm games. I've decided to pursue this a bit under a new banner call OT (short for 'off-topic'). While fighting games will be the core focus on Hold Back To Block, this playlist of videos will allow me to further explore other communities that are FGC related or adjacent a couple of times a year.

The first of these videos, which I hope to release next week, is a look behind one of the most impressive Punch-Out runs ever, a flawless two-person one-controller run through the NES title at AGDQ 2020. Oh yeah, and they're both blindfolded. I did a small sample of the concept a few months ago that I'm going to expand a bit further on, but I'm putting it up for all patrons today so you guys can get a better idea of what I'm trying to do.

Let me know what you think in the comments below and look forward to the final release soon! 

- Esteban 


Behind Punch-Out

Thanks for all your support!


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