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SUP MY PATREON CREW?!🏴‍☠️ How's March been for y'all so far? It's been interesting for me, to say the least. The more time that passes by, the more I realize how meticulous and time-consuming a home renovation can be. We're maybe 60% into it almost being done, so it'll still be a bit more time (hoping for 3-4 weeks left) before we can move out. I've also decided to take extra time for some "me" time; I've mentioned my father's child support issue here before. It's unfortunately came back in full effect with the drama, and while I may not be responsible for his consequences from his mistakes/issues, he is still my father who, despite his flaws, is a wonderful dad who I've chosen to support. In doing so, it does challenge my mental well-being, so I've been doing sessions with a life coach, starting my days off with pilates, and reading/listening to a lot of helpful books about stoicism. I've learned to slow down to avoid triggering my lupus. I'm good y'all, and I hope y'all are too.

Anyways! Here's the list of upcoming stuff for y'all, handwritten. I'm trying this to limit more screen time for my eyes to prevent migraines. Is my handwriting readable? If it's a bit tough to read, feel free to say so in the comments and I'll write more clearly for y'all. Some stuff have been filmed a couple of weeks ago, I just didn't get to editing/uploading them until now. Next livestream will be coming up next week! Details on that soon.

THANXX as always for your continued/new support and for being patient and understanding, and for being such a COOL, CALM, & COLLECTED CREW in general! With all the toxicity on other platforms, I'm nothinig but grateful for y'all.💜





Twice's Killing Voice episode was just released the other day too. Looking forward to your reaction to that as well
