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C.S. Lewis was ahead of his time when it comes to simping for 7 foot tall women.


The Magician's Nephew



There's a joke in here about the thumbnail you won't get because I haven't finished making it yet O_O


It's 2.30am in London and I'm struck with insomnia. Thank you for your soothing vocals to keep me company, although your Cockney accent made me chuckle. I particularly enjoyed the Aslan synonyms.


You know I actually read this, before I heard the story of the Garden of Eden.


I remember really loving this book as a kid and was always disappointed it didn’t get an adaption.


Sad the Janice vs the Cops scene didn't make it in, but her munching on the Apples was PERFECT!


Hey Dom! After you get down with the Narnia series, would you be interested in Lewis's Space (or Ransom) series of books. I recently heard about the series through the Apocalist Book Club. Turns out Lewis was a major Sci-Fi fan and wrote "Out of the Silent Planet" because he was irritated by all of the Eugenics and pro-imperialistic content that was growing popular in the genre at the time. They also have a lot of trippy stuff about how life on other planets fits into Daddy-G's grand design. Hint: Heaven is not a place on Earth, in fact, Earth is basically hell to the rest of the universe. Also, Lewis was a huge fan of H G Wells, and constantly complained that Wells was wasting his talents writing Utopian fiction in his later life, and that his Sci-Fi was way better.

Trace Carter

this was actually my introduction to the world of Narnia.


Kinda weird that Lewis felt a need to explain the wardrobe from the first book's connection to Narnia when the connection between the worlds is only whatever and whenever fur-Jesus wants. Kinda wish he'd kept on explaining things, though. "The frame of the painting from the Voyage of the Dawn Treader was made of wood from this same tree! The iron gate the kids pass through in the Silver Chair contained a few motes of iron from the lamppost! One of the bricks in the train station in Prince Caspian was baked from Narnian mud that got caught on my boot!"


I have read these! If you can wade through the "everyone who isn't Christian is evil" text - it's not even subtext by the third book - then it does have very creative and interesting ideas. At least as much as I can remember, it's been 20 years since I read them and the aforementioned sub/text turned me off of them.


I fucking lost it at Aslan's singing


Before you post this video to Youtube, have you considered making Frank's hymn Jesus by Queen?


Would you ever take a look at Emily Rhodda's Deltora Quest books? I still love them and for a kids fantasy series she makes it such a terrifying world for her characters! (an overseas relative of mine joked it's bc she's an Aussie she had to make it scary for her readers bc our home already is)


Oh, this is my favorite of the Narnia books! I love it when the animals think that Andrew is some sort of tree and he narrowly avoids getting planted head first. There just seems to be a lot more humor in this book. BTW interestingly, although there's no hint of evolution in the Narnia books in one of his theology books Lewis postulates that evolution took place in the garden of Eden. On a side note, I hate that they re-numbered the books and made this one first. I think that it robs kids of the discovery of where the lampost came from, etc


Still working on the cops scene. Will update the video as soon as its done


So, after watching this, and not having read the book - is there any explanation given for the graffiti in Jadis' palace? She literally killed every living being on the planet and turned herself to stone with the last spell she cast, so where did the bell come from, and who wrote that poem?


Jadis did it herself, it was all part of the spell that she made to ensure her survival in the destroyed world.


You are ROCKING those shades.