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You probably guessed you'd be getting a few more of these around now.


Game of Thrones S1 E9, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom



Hey, sweet. I just started reading the books again so I'm currently on a real ASOIAF kick!


You bringing up Dacey Mormont and her being at the Red Wedding made me remember how sad I was to learn of her ultimate fate in the books I remember being more sad about her death than I was for book Robb


"My favorite scene is the end of episode nine, the execution of Ned, I thought they did that very powerfully. It was not precisely as described in the books but it was certainly moving and evocative. The director did a great job on it, the script writers did a great job. They added a wonderful grace note, which was when Ned is being led up the stairs and he sees Arya and he says to Yoren of the Night's Watch as he's passing him and he says 'Baelor' to set in motion him saving Arya, which is not in the books, in the books Yoren just spots her on his own and takes his own initiative. It was a great idea to give that little moment, that one last kinda heroic action by Ned. So I loved that. I loved what they did with that."


I was hoping these will start coming up again, but I definitely wasn't expecting it.


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