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(Little back story) 

Back in 2019 at Eurofurence, there's a lot of people with squeaky toy pieces from dog toys.

I'm able to make the sound without the toy, with just my mouth, so I went around squeaking occassionally and said "I'm a squeaker"

Someone told me I gotta be careful saying that (I didn't know what else it meant other than making squeaky noises)

So they explained it to me that people who said they're a squeaker, associates themselves within the latex community.

I have no idea what people do in latex suits. (my mind is way too innocent to want to know)

I haven't looked it up other than just normal references for this inspiration.

Anyways, here's Leto in a latex suit, he thinks its like wearing a giant condom over his body.

Just to be clear, Leto isn't apart or have participated in any latex shenanigans, nor does he have anything against people who are into it. 💙

This drawing is meant to help support other communities even tho Leto is not into the category himself.

But he's happy to explore other sides! (obviously 👀)

Hope you guys like!




I would have thought it means loud during shenanigans...^^


"way too innocent" funny coming from a dude who draws porn xD p.s they are mostly used for gimps as far as im aware, and if you dont know what that is, probably should avoid learning lol.