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Its no suprise that this year has been difficult for a lot of people. I've battle depression, loneliness, my anxiety. I've getting better slowly thankfully, but seems like the punches keep coming.

Recently, there has been.. a serious medical issue which may further delay art and content. Because of these recent medical issues It has flared up my anxiety which makes it very difficult for me to focus my work. Back to square one for a little while. I took some advice from you guys, and I am very thankful for that. And that advice is to take a step back from art and focus on my emotional and mental health.

 I often try to make posts once every 3-4 days which may be too much for me at this time all considered. I'm going to take it slow, 7-10 days while I do my best to recover.

 I am very thankful for all of you that support me it means the world to me.



All the best, Holiday. We'll be here when you're ready. <3


Good for you for taking care of yourself. I wish you nothing but positive energy with your medical issues. Please stay strong and hopeful. 🖤 🦊


It’s great to see you’re taking a step back to take care of yourself! Art and content will never be more important than your mental well-being, and I think most everyone here completely understands it’s not always easy. Take as much time away as you need :D


Glad you're focusing on taking care of yourself instead of working yourself to the bone, take your time Holiday, we'll be here for you. Good luck, stay strong, and be well


Hope that a break goes good for you and that you get well soon! It's always good to step back and spend some time to on yourself


Hang in there! Take all the time you need!