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Hey everybody, I just want to get a few things off my chest.

One being how incredible it is to see 40 of you supporting my work, It makes my heart jump everytime I see that number. I appreciate every single one of you guys, the ones who are just joining and the ones who've stuck around since the begining, Just want to give you a big huge thanks for seeing me along my artistic journy, 

two unfortunatly is a bit more serious, I honestly dont know where to begin so pardon me if if sound like a broken record. In all the years ive been creating and sharing art online I never onced opened up to my followers and watchers, My severe anxieties often prevent me from reaching out to anyone really. But the last few months my mental health has taken a steep decline. I've been going through some of the worst depression I've ever had to face in my life and its affecting the quality of my work, and that breaks my heart.

I've been gradually loosing more and more sleep over the last few months now, to where a good nights rest is anything over 4 hours. I also feel like I have been neglecting my patrons and clients mostly in part of my severe lack of experience to run a patron and how to freelance. I feel disconnected from my followers and lost and confused as an artist, and im not sure how to move forward. I feel like I'm stalling as an artist. 

I don't have much else to say other than I'm struggling, I'm struggling quite a lot. I hope you all understand, I'm sorry If my content starts to slow down, or that the quality starts to dip, I'm tryin my best to pull myself out of this depression, but this fight as been exhausting. Thank you for reading through if you have, I hope my ramblings doesnt take too much decoding to get through. I hope in the future I can bring everyone here the high quality content and art I imagined I would. everyone here deserves the best. 




Your ramblings make very good sense and I think you'd be surprised how many people would nod in acknowledgement to your feelings. Knowing that it can help to just talk your heart out to a particularly total stranger, I happily offer you my ear. Keep yours pointy, you're not alone. <3


I've long been an admirer of your work. I'm terribly sorry to hear you're having a rough time but I'm glad you were able to talk about it with us. This at least gives your fans the opportunity to uplift you and show you we care. You're incredibly gifted and kind. If you need to take a personal break to recoup, I'm sure we'd all understand and support you. Your health is more important to us than your art! Thank you for reaching out. *hugs*


It takes alot of courage to be so open, honest and vulnerable. I can't possibly imagine how it feels to be in your situation, the amounting stress of living up to expectations and trying to please everyone, and yourself. The most important thing at the end of the day is taking care of yourself. We're here to see you through your endeavors and support you along the way. You're a human first. With thoughts and feelings that matter. Thank you for sharing with us your struggles. It puts life in perspective. I hope you may find solace during this time, and the path to happiness you deserve.


It is never easy to be vulnerable in front of people and especially to us online, doing that alone is amazing in itself, and I’m really glad you feel comfortable opening up. I don’t think I’ve been a patron for long, but I’ve always admired your art. Whenever people ask me who’s my favourite artist I point them your way. I’m really sorry you’re not feeling well :c Your emotional and mental health is and will always be much more important than your artwork, so if you need to take a break or a hiatus, you definitely should. We’ll still be here to support you no matter what! If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m all ears, alright? Just never forget you’re not alone in this


There are no expectations here, you take the time you need and take care of yourself, that's the most important thing. Thanks for having the courage to open up about this, that can be really scary, and anxiety doesn't make it any easier to make that effort. Lean in on your support network if you need to, will be wishing you all the best.