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Me am game dev. Arrange pixels, make map. Bash update with rock.

Above you can see the last region of Stineford, the slums. Tents in a city already look impoverished, but hopefully the patches make it stand out from all the other RPG Maker tents. All this stuff is on multiple layers of events, so the city can develop over the course of the game (hopefully more memorably).

I wish I could say the Stineford revamp is done, but that isn't even true. I need to make this all work and I really should replay the Stineford sections to be sure the new events didn't somehow interrupt events. Not sure I'll get to this. -_-

Will next week's update be higher energy? It won't!



Runcible Technician

It's getting exciting. The game really is starting to wrap up. You got this!


I am excited to see new Stineford in full soon! And I can always use a fresh excuse for a new run lol. This slums screenshot looks really good and makes it much more distinct from the market district. Not related to Stineford or to the ProN balance optimization you asked about earlier, but it is related to balance and optimization in general so I wanted to ask... Is Ginasta's RP supposed to be impossible to "max" at this point? I am at least pretty sure that even those who optimize exclusively for her can't reach 99 at this point (might be wrong), and my save is sitting at 85 at this point because I was trying to balance her with other outcomes, but I still go out of my way for her. I wanted to bring it up in case it was a balance concern but if it does seem intentional. Will we be able to max her in the epilogue as well, or does everything need to be wrapped up before we start the final battle?


Yes, she can't be maxed for plot reasons. You'll see more about this in a later update.


I'm so glad that stineford has gotten a facelift!