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Hmm, slow feedback this time. Maybe too close to the holidays? Anyway, I'm on top of all simple bug reports (fortunately not many), but haven't finished all the feedback requesting or suggesting entirely new content. Considering more feedback is expected, TLS 0.72.1 will likely be a little longer coming.

Two weeks for the public update? Dunno, will play it by ear depending on how fast things go.

Anyway, I'm tired, so fortunately I have some new art for content this week. Above you see four new custom emotes! You can now use these on my Discord server and Annikath's server. I also assembled all the custom emotes fans have made to put them into the art pack, though it still isn't updated.

That is all for now, see you next finished thing.




Everybody slow, it's December :) You are hopefully allowed to slow down too!