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New public update:


I'm making progress, trying to stay focused, so keeping this short.



In that spirit, GW


Looks like there may have been some unintentional UI changes in 0.71.x. The "Sx" label in the main menu has been replaced by a coin icon, and various menu labels have been reduced in size for no obvious reason. Sx label comparison: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xtqr8j6db66fyji0hzafw/Screenshot-2023-11-11-13.10.40.png?rlkey=v9sh866xonqkbm8nqitua068n&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/glsxrlhn4pix3ht4332s3/Screenshot-2023-11-11-13.11.48.png?rlkey=9qtqx3ez82hsyvmbiv5zjwnbd&dl=0 Font size comparison: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/exu8f1xw225luw5mhm53c/Screenshot-2023-11-11-13.11.03.png?rlkey=zwbu0eejb9kk8jjtlv354dmrl&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j1uedatm3zg529bc2sq7g/Screenshot-2023-11-11-13.12.00.png?rlkey=1wvn1xm14oapjoyp33115eobg&dl=0


Looks like these are caused by the limit breaker script, which overwrites a number of values. It sets font sizes to 16, and the previous was... 24? That's my best guess eyeballing it, anyway. I have removed the icon and changed all the font sizes to 24, except the inventory quantity, which I kind of like.