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First up, we have another meme. This one actually had a ton of variants, of which I posted only three. The rest have all gone into the art folder, for when I eventually update the art package.

I could call this week "distracted" but I'm not sure if that's actually the appropriate term. There are some weeks where my core creative progress is dragged down by various minor or administrative tasks, and this wasn't one. It's probably a more accurate analysis that my core work flagged and I kept crossing off other tasks just so I was getting something done.

Might I have done more on the work that really matters if I didn't spend time/energy on those other things? Maybe, but in my experience often not. When I have a clear task laid out before me, knuckling down works fairly well, but when I'm trying to figure out how some pieces of an update should fundamentally go I tend to flounder.

So I have to report weak progress. Instead, I did a variety of things, like finally get out another novel to $10 patrons. This one is an experiment that everyone will hopefully hear more about later. In other news, I poked the programmer and artist for Don't Save the Princess in hopes of an eventual update on that. I also finished off a bunch of administrative junk and other tasks I don't like, such as formatting.

The thing is, I've actually cleared out the month fairly well. I don't have a book release or anything else scheduled until next month, so my primary task really should be working ahead on TLS. That's why it's especially frustrating not to be making as much progress as I want.



Long Tran

Oh, that meme made me laugh.


Damn calendar fetish