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"Project 360" is a 360 video being made. It will feature 30+ people who are cosplaying characters from various shows/games. The project will take several months (or possibly years) to complete.

For this month, the latest character to add is: Another "Staff"

Regular Version:


"MILF" Version:


PSD: StaffC.psd

Important Note:
Sadly, this might be the last character related to this project that I will post with artwork and PSD.
For the next updates, I'll be focusing on the extra details needed in the video. Such as background elements, or non-moving crowd, or maybe effects--

-- Or these two:


(No title)



Mike, I'm a big fan of your work and you've been a big inspiration of mine over the years. Do you still work alone? Is there a team helping you with this project?


For this particular project, I'm working on it alone. And sadly, this project isn't my main focus for the past years. This is more of a side project until it gets finished. (Which surprisingly turns out to span several years now. Time flies so fast.)

Christopher DeHart

Big fan as well. I have enjoyed your art style and all the various projects and artwork you've created over the years. I truly hope you are able to complete this and more but I have definitely loved watching Project360 as it develops and progresses. Keep up the amazing work!