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Hey everyone, We have released update that fixes some of the major bugs we've had including:
+ not being able to progress through Vanlen's tanning quest
+ the occasional double Kay in the intro scene
+ trying to gather while jumping causing movement to break
+ some touchups in the memories scenes

This build is released on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms! I appreciate all the bugs that have been reported and we'll try to address all of them while we continue to move forward, keep them coming!

*Note for Mac users: you may have to grant permission for the game to run in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General



So just got around to playing this build and am liking it, however i'm not a huge fan of the new tanning hides mini game, it doesn't help that whenever i lose i have to restart my save and walk all the way back there. Outside of that i can't wait to see more updates, keep being awesome guys.


I have to agree, the minigame gets a bit too finicky with the timing, and the basic button layout just doesnt feel natural. If you want to keep in the minigame, may I suggest instead of the arrow keys, q,e,z,x,c you instead just make it wasd and the arrow keys? that would feel alittle more natural to players if you want to keep in the minigame


any news for updates?