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This is the update from this and last week.


- Finished Roadmap art/design
- BG: Infirmary has been tweaked: Added a second bed. Tweaked some objects. Added grass_tufts on the exterior. Moved the F_Objects. Fixed Entrance's Size

- Finished Keipr Promo Art

- Finished Lizgirl Promo Art

- Finished Wolfgirl Promo Art

- Finished Snakegirl Promo Art

- Finished Doggirl Promo Art

- Finished Foxgirl Promo Art

- Created multiple UI Icons for the locked doors and re-exported them in the same size to avoid inconsistencies

- Finished Kay's Ripped Bodysuit 1 (All angles)

- Finished Kay's Ripped Bodysuit 2 (All angles)

- Fixed, separated and renamed all of Sek's Scars (All Angles)

- Finished Locked Door Icon

- Finished New Torch (Once more)


- Fixed Razorclaw Tribe West back wall

- Added grass tufts to Razorclaw Tribe West chest and cooking table (turned off doors in Razorclaw Tribe West)
- Finished Razorclaw Tribe West floor collision: matched new art and extended toward camera

- Tweaked Razorclaw Tribe West walls collision: fitted to art a bit better extended side walls toward camera

- Tweaked Razorclaw Tribe West front walls collision: extended toward camera

- Added collision to the slat crate in The Forge

- Added blending grass to the slat crate in The Forge

- Fixed Z position of the slat crate in The Forge

- Updated existing candle 1

- Added candle 2 and 3

- Added candles to female communal tent

- Fixed collision with levels with candles

- Updated lighting for candles in female communal

- Adjusted torch variants to work better with the art they were given

- Adjusted waterfall lighting area

- Adjusted torch timing to go off at sunrise so they do not get way too bright as the sun lighting heats up
- Updated torch variants to have their own fire/smoke shaders for visual difference

- Worked more with tribe entrance lighting

- adjusted camera jump track timing to assist with jumping actions

- planning & confluence additions
- Lit The Forge area background

- Added glowies to The Forge background

- Tweaked bed and table collision in infirmary tent


- Added Night music and fully integrated

- Added Wood/Stone footsteps not integrated

- Fix for waterfall sound persisting between scenes

- Fix for occasional infinite gathering animation loop when trying to gather

- Fix for some characters not being discovered after saying their name in dialogue

- Fixed candle z position and sideways flames in Vanlen's tent

- Made some of Vanlen's dialogue kick kay out of his tent

- Fix for character creator breaking after first use
- Fixed Characters walking in front of a current dialogue sequence will not be rendered

- Fixed - No more characters interrupting minigames.

- Fixed large chieftain dialogue option and duplicate option. (Now you can threaten lizards effectively)
- Added SFXs + waterfall + torches + vanlen hammering + camera snap
- Added volume slider for ambient sounds
- Fixed a bug when loading old saves breaking the game
- Fixed a bug with settings overwriting with defaults when applying
- Fixed Dialogue wheel's options being invisible seemingly randomly
- Fixed game breaking bug when spamming escape while entering a dialogue
- Fixed rag hanging in Infirmary appearing in front of Kay

- Fixed Eri popping up and down in RZ tribe west
- Fixed characters with emotes in 3/4F not restricting their movement to front, side, and back

- Added dagger skin to vanlen's hammer emote

- Meiri no longer pops out in intro dialogue scene

- Added new razorclaw tent music

- Added new ambient sounds to the village

- Added sfx events in wwise for use
- Fixed flag hidden when doing manual input

- Keybinds keycodes open and close when in respective menus.

- Fixed full screen changing when the build loaded on a fresh save
- Switched main menu music with the new version

- Fixed Eri and Kantir spawning into a scene more than once

- Made the starting quest chain auto send Kay to the Chieftain's dialogue with a guard

- Fixed jump not finishing landing before allowing you to jump again

- New character icons added

- New exit and locked exit icons added

- Added the option to add a set of armor to npcs without creating items

- Changed all characters height to an appropriate height

- Fixed Keakrix first meet dialogue not playing

- Fixed Kantir’s invisible in dialogue
- Player can now exit when rebinding keys

- Escape is blocked from being rebound (this is the key to stop rebinding)

- "M" now opens the Map

- "I" now opens the inventory
- Companion slots locked and unlocked based on the number of companions unlocked

- New command to unlock companion "unlock-character [id]"

- Moved main characters UI to top of companion UI's

- Adjusted zooming speed in Map view

- Adjusted size of player icon in Map view
- Changed Default screen set to Full Screen
- Infirmary changes

- Replaced normal chest with loot chest. Removed the old loot chest and replaced it with a bed

- Fixed character jumping on other characters' heads.
- CGI scene 2 added

- New torches put in

- Added some delays in the dialogue so the player can't outpace animations at specific times

- Changed Meiri's tent name to infirmary

- Fixed a bug where Kantir couldn't get into his tent

- The abandoned tent is now locked

- Vanlen's tent is now unlocked at all times

- Fixed collision on box in "The Forge" scene

- Fixed bed collision in the infirmary

- Fixed players being able to jump on torches

- Fixed wrong quest id passed when trying to progress chieftain's quest
- Fixed "doubled" font on certain lines

- The loot window in mieri's tent goes off screen
- Fixed bug causing tanning minigame to open memory scene 1 when failing in stage 2

- Fixed Scene 1 misaligned because of new positioning type in spine
- Valen's anvil was scaled up

- Fixed the torches next to abandoned tent in RZ entrance (Torches were moved to their correct position to not show in front of Kay)

- Fixed camera bounds in Vanlen's tent showing weird lines on the edges of the scene

- Removed scenes not currently in the game from triggering after the tanning minigame

- Fixed a bug causing the tanning minigame to not work occasionally


- Fixed Meiri's eyes in her Idle

- Added SFX to Kantir's Idle

- Fixed Slot Separator errors for Sex Scenes 2 & 3
- Imported Nikki's animations into Male 3/4F & Female 3/4F rigs

- Added "ScenePos" bones to Female side rig

- Positioned the ScenePos bones for characters in sex animations

- Fixed draw order on sex scenes 1
- Meshed and weighted all of Kay's ripped pants and Sek's scars

- All Male characters are complete and ready for the demo

- Fixed errors with Vanlen's Hammering

- Fixed draw order errors with Kay's Bandages across all rigs

- Fixed draw order errors on all Male outfits - Fixed arm fur errors in CG scene 1

- Hid logos in all CG scenes
- Prepped and imported ripped_pant's for Kay for all her angles and flips

- prepped and imported Sek's scars for his side and 3/4front (including flips)

- meshed a weighted Kay's ripped pants for her front and 3/4front view (including flips)

- Fixed Kantir's outfit errors in 3/4front rig

- Made WIP/corrections for OSHandjob scene (animations 1_Loop & 2)

- Fixed a few weighting issues on Male 3/4F rig and Female 3/4 rig
- Fixed Vanlen's scar error in the Side and 3/4 Front rig

- Meshed and weighted Fondle hands

- Fixed Kay's mouth weight alignment (& possibly her double mouth)

- Fixed Vanlen's floating pouch and solved missing outfit error

- Fixed Sek's misaligned outfit parts and ShoulderPad clipping errors

- Fixed error that caused Males to go invisible when facing 3/4 Back and Back

- Fixed Kantir's penis clipping through outfits

- Fixed extra hand image showing up in idle 3/4 Front view

- Fixed errors in Scene_01 and made general improvements a corrections to the whole animation set


- Completed Main Quest list for Absolution intro


- Various sound effects including waterfall noises, water movement noises, torch SFX, night/day ambience, and vanlen's anvil hammer sfx.


A lot of stuff is still being worked on, such as more in-game art (specially backgrounds) and even Krystmas Kay.



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