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If you followed our progress last week, you might have seen we had several CGI scene options. We had the highest tiers of contributors express their preferences on Discord, (make sure to get added there if you’re part of them!) and then let them pick their preferred pose which was the subject of this first CGI scene. We’ll still use some of the other pose sketches for other characters in the future.

We decided to add CGI scenes as a treat for completing all the scenes with a character, although the cosmetics that we’ll be abel to provide for these very special custom scenes will have to be more limited.

Speaking of other updates, the launcher is getting a little rework to clarify that we’re still an alpha stage, and improve the general user experience.

Lore books also got added, which are books that you’ll be able to find and read in game explaining and foreshadowing the lore of the world.

Several other fixes and improvements are going on behind the scenes to prepare for the arrival of new scenes.

Done this week


  • Quick "cleanup" on the launcher.
  • CG art K for the first cg art is finished (but it still needs Vanlen, which I'm working on right now). Fixed some lines that got weird after increasing the model and added a bit more of detail.
  • Fixed some small issues with the Chieftain's Tent (Interior) and delivered it to compound.
  • Added in Vanlen. (Still need some touch up).

Rigging and prepping:

  • Updated the Female and Male Side PSD and Rig with new hands for the scenes with Vanlen.
  • New hands have been meshed and weighted and are ready for animation use.
  • Prepped Inani Back and InaniOutfit Back for Spine import.


  • Numerous lore books written, which will be eventually found in game.
  • More dialogue completed.



  • Included a preload flow macro option for dialogue on nodes that are starting points.
  • Removed text "coming soon.
  • select a save slot on the memory menu" because it's already done.
  • C*m size reduced by 50% - Fur color in dialogue updated from generically saying "FUR COLOR" to saying the selected fur color of the save.
  • Fixed a memory bug where scene 4 would play scene 3 animations.
  • Fixed a lot of issues in the memory scenes regarding animations not looping.
  • Added functionality for spawning scene props into dialogue.




lookxs like things are moving alone fine. Sweet!


Something seems off with the third image posted. Its like she has a 5head behind all that hair. Her face is nearly only on the bottom third of her head.