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Above is the Road-map for the next few months!

Hi all, an important update we'd like to inform you about, due to community feedback and the time it was taking to make 3D environments, we've decided to go back to the old 2D environments that Kuja is amazing at drawing.

The 3D environments had a ton of potential, and honestly if we had more time we could have made them work with the 2D characters, but the community found them divisive. Some people loved them, others hated them. So we've gone back to 2D backgrounds like 0.8 had, but with a kicker, we're going to be including parallax scrolling, as well as simulating dynamic time/weather using parallaxing. For example in this image:

The moons are separate layers, as are the clouds, which allows us to move them as the day progresses in-game. We will also be able to change how NPCs behave/jobs during nighttime as well, and include timed events that can only be done at certain times.

Here’s the level plan for the Razorclaw Tribe level, the primary level in the next build along with the level art Kuja created.

We also have a little piece for KRAM (Krystal Appreciation Month) for the patrons that is a little late, but we think you will enjoy.

-LoK:R Team



I'm happy u guys went back to the 2d art style I personally thought the 3d kinda looked off I can't wait till its a full game I loved the old v0.8 I still play it so if when everything is all said and done if the game is like that it will be awesome


Im really glad im not the only one that prefered the 2d art style.


We're glad to have tried out the 3d and learn from it, it was definitely a fun experience but ultimately wasn't the right direction for this game.


I'm happy to back to the 2d art, too.


I think that, with time, a 3D world would be awesome, but I think going for the 2D world makes sense due to the size of the development team. I will say, if you ever make a sequel or if you just keep working on the game, a 3D experience would be awesome to see. For now though, sticking to 2D seems smart.


Is there any chance you will re-use any of the old assets? I was a big fan of the legacy game up to 0.8!


For the exception of music/audio/minigames this is going to not use any of the old assets.


I was a person who was fine with ether Style of play my concern was the possible development taxation of doing a 3D which is a tad harsher than 2D to a degree. After seeing multiple Projects like yours burn out cuz of over estimation or as mentioned burn out i feel like a broken record as I've said the same as before but this is a project i like many would like to see succeed. That being said i do lament the fact you feel you had to back to the old style as your guys vision seemed fun but this dose seem in a way like someone else commented before the wiser disition the team seems to maybe be to small for the 3D version not impossible but difficult with the current team. and not from lacking in skill, ambition, or pation for the project just the possible (to our knowledge) scale. 2D seemingly seems more for lack of a better word (with no offense meant) possible. For thoughs wanting to probably get an idea of how long the development will take with 2D look up the GRIMHELM and his game "Alien Quest: EVE" as that game was 2D and all assets (to my Knowledge) done by one guy and that game took maybe 3 years I think but don't take that as a fact for benchmark yet again just a estimate. the game could take less time with the team size and less factors to not doing 3D but it could take a littile longer as well with a change that was decided due to necessity or possible problem. To finally to finish this paper of a comment i would like to make it clear i don't mean to overly criticize the developers or demoralize the creators if anybody especially the Dev team feels like im doing so im sorry. Finaly i hope the dev team are doing well in the current time we live in mentally and physically. cant wait to see what you guys make in the end.

Mao Tsclusul

glad to see the 2d is back. If you have finished a substantial part in realeasing a content update to 0.9 you could think of using the 3d assets and create a theme based mini game for example a christmas mini game where all of the main characters have dinner and you can roam around in the room interact with items/characters to trigger a final event scene. In short main game 2d and standalone mini games 3d


We will look into using the 3D Assets for minigames and ideas involving 3D for them.

Warfaremachine (Victor suares)

I don't wanna sound rough but the always terms of "bite off more than you can chew" was implicated here, i glad to see the 2D style back and a rebuild of the old concepts for a long term production..... but in the while LOTS of effort was "imo" wasted maybe without even ask ideas proposed from no ground to build and being realistic of the expectatives and deadlines and well god know when gonna be something solid, specially since now the project seems start over again after a year, also i see you guy are putting the best to make it work and the K fans are Hard to handle, but i dunno, considering the crew size, the few amount of news and the actual income of the project and the actual status of it, seems kinda disappointing for me specially when i saw projects like this die , i really hope you guys don't let this project die. meanwhile i will back when i see again the potential when i saw years ago....