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Hi there,

After 0.6 release, I've been devoting time to further refine the engine. This is something I'll continue doing as long as I internalize better practices and gain a deeper understanding on how Unity and the plugins I'm using interact with each other.

Also, being a better programmer is a necessity if I'm supposed to create more games in the upcoming decades. And I have big plans...

Anyway, since I started to optimize the engine back in December, frame rates have gone from 30 to 150 fps (inside the Unity editor, not the compiled game). That's quite spectacular and it also tells how amateurishly I did before.

But, the thing is, when you embark on a Patreon project you're expected to deliver as much content as you can on a regular basis, so I've been juggling with the time you've given us these two past years, between 'learning' opposed to 'doing', as respectfully as I've been able to.

I know that from the point of view of many people, it is difficult to understand how we've progressed so little. I can't blame anybody, considering that even me, the guy who should have known better, was too optimistic back in the day.

There also seems to be some voices that can't grip around the fact we're making around 9K per month and we've didn't turn this project into a small indie company-like endeavor, with several paid semi-professional collaborators.

Well, without going into much detail, 9K are getting us by, being able to pay bills, (big) taxes and, in my personal situation, save as much as I can in case shit happens with Patreon, which has become the frail bottleneck of both Kuja's and mine's livelihoods.

Oh, and I'm also separating from my ex and my daughters will need child support sent their way, so... yeah, I can't take any chances. At all.

That being said and whined, the way I'm trying to repay your generosity is by putting thrice the hours I put in my previous work.

Heh... there are days when I fantasize about playing games the way I was able to. Some years ago I was the friggin 13th tank (by gear) in my WoW server. That gives you an idea of the kind of free time I had in my hands.

But I don't regret anything. You've made possible I can take my things on a backpack and travel to another country in search of a new life. And for that, I'll always be in your debt.

Oh, regarding that matter, I'll be in the Philippines for two months starting in March. Not sure if you're interested in my personal travels (lol), but the main reason of putting so much effort in optimizing the code is because of that: being able to work with my not-so-great laptop while I'm there.

And no, I can't really buy a very powerful laptop for two reasons. Firstly, I already have a great desktop I will take with me (in parts) when I relocate for good. And secondly, it is quite risky to show around an expensive piece of technology, costing more than a year's salary for many of the locals, and expect not attracting unwanted attention.

As for February plans, 0.7 will be ready in time for sure.

After engine optimization, I want to change the way quests (tasks) are given and turned in, because right now is a mess. :-P

You can find details of what I want to do here.

Then I'll start adding content, so stay tuned and thank you for reading this wall of text. ;-)



Well personally I think the rate of content is fine so far. I quite like the last update, as it added content for three different characters which is a method I prefer compared to before when all the content was getting focused on Cenvir. And I'm quite okay with engine work too. I mean your not wrong when you say the game runs a lot better then before! On separate note though it's been a while since the LOK page has been officially updated. Be nice to see some official word there when someone gets a chance! And of course be sure to take a day off every here and there! ^_^ Working hard sounds great but not if it burns you or Kuja out!


I'll give your team that you can create great characters that quite likeable. It was great to see Krystal lowering her mask more and more while she was getting to know Lizardmen closely (especially Cenvir). The art style was and is good, pleasing to the eye as well as sex animation. However, I've seen very little storyline development for last year. There can be many characters we could interact with sexually but for what? Granted, for example, Cenvir is well-written character and he shows his personality during his meetings with Krystal (it's also big part of the fox's character development) but such heavy focus on sexual part of this game made the main premise of the game, catching the lust demon, disappear. It made me wonder how long it would take to actually see the next step in the storyline. Sooner or later you would also have to address the gameplay loop which is tedious and mind-numbing basically (ALL fetch quests). If optimising work framework would allow you to produce content on faster rate or the framework would be less moody (technology feels our fear and worries in the least conveinient moment), I don't mind it.


you are doing a great job. but in all respects. To play this game with a reasonable content you have to wait at least 2 years


I happy whit the content 😁


I don't think learning is a bad approach. Getting best practices down early and frontloading technical work means it won't be biting you in the ass for months or years down the line. And while you're free to put in as many hours as you think are reasonable, also keep in mind that burnout is a real thing and pushing yourself to 80 or 100 hour workweeks will probably get less done than a well-rested 40.


Nice rant. Now I understand the slow progress and I fully support your decisions. Refine the work and your skills as much as possible. As far as money- Better safe than sorry (old tank attitude :D). I'm pretty sure no one will complain. Surely a true supporter and gamer won't. Hoping for even more in February.


Improving your workflow and the engine will result in a way better game in the long run - fully supporting this. Enjoy travel!


I dont wanna add even more to your workload, but I have to ask this: any kind of updated walkthrough on the horizon ? I am stuck at 199/475/185 for a while now, and after downloading 0.6d im still stuck there, unable to rip costume or 'put my mouth to good use' with eri or get anywhere with nesi other than the goodnight kiss. I could use an updated walkthrough right about now lol .... latest one i found was from version 0.3 lol


You need to fail Vanlen's task and accept his punishments. He can get you to 399 Sub on his own.


Hello LOK team! Just wondering, what update do you think the preadators, bugs, plants and animals will be put in the game?


Read this: <a href="http://lokrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Stats" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lokrebirth.wikia.com/wiki/Stats</a> It'll answer your questions