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Jan 27th - 5:30pm (CEST): Updated to beta6

Just a minor fix this time. Take a look at the change log if you're interested.

The beta is taking shape and almost with all probability 0.6 will be released tomorrow Monday.

Thank you for your help!



Jan 27th - 1:15pm (CEST): Updated to beta5

This bugfix solves an old issue I wasn't able to reproduce until now. It's about not being able to pick the [End day] option while talking to Meiri.

This happened because the "Return to Meiri" quest state wasn't being reset in the morning, and the conditions for being able to end the day include all quests having being turned in or not having done them yet.

In other words, if you did the Clean Pot quest once you were locking yourself into having to use the pitcher in the female tent to advance the day, not being able to see the night scenes as a consequence.

Also, the pot dragging intro was being replayed (not intended) after a day not picking that task.


Jan 26th - 5:20pm (CEST): Updated to beta4

And more fixes, although they're just cosmetic.

Remember the "thehell" typos and my possible selective dyslexia? Well, it turned out that I messed up a little when I decided to subtitute "he he" laughs with "hehe" last night.

That 'Replace All' button was SO tempting... and I didn't checked every line changed, so now you have these funny typos all over, including fourteen more ("theheat") that I've fixed in this version. Be sure of informing me of more you find.

Also, the Nesi kiss scenes were incorrectly sorted. I changed the female renderer separators some weeks ago to include more layers, and this is the cosmetic consequence I wasn't able to notice. If you find more incorrectly sorted animations, please tell me.

That's all for now.


Jan 26th - 1:30pm (CEST): Updated to beta3

A couple more fixes.

Nemiri won't use her psionic powers anymore to float outside the water in her first 'accept' scene in the waterfall.

And there were like TWENTY dialogue node instances in the whole game in which "thehell" was used instead of "the hell". This is so incredibly weird that either...:

a) I'm a selective dyslexic.
b) The dialogue plugin did something very strange.

Anyway, here you go...


Jan 26th - 12:00pm (CEST): Updated to beta2

A quick fix for a non-critical but annoying bug. You could have missed the first, or even the second waterfall scene with Nemiri, in case you progressed through Nesi waterfall scenes first.

The bug in question was that I copy+pasted the conditionals from Nesi to Nemiri dialogue, so Nemiri scenes depended on Nesi progress, instead of being independent.

Thanks to Jondude for reporting this sneaky issue.


Hi there guys,

Without much ado, I present you 0.6 beta1, for your testing pleasure.

As always, I appreciate if you could report issues in #pre-release_bug_reports channel in Discord.

And now to take care of my first 2019 cold... ^_^


0.6 beta6
- After you get to choose between Eri and Vanlen tasks, you could go to Eri and work for her first thing in the morning without going to Meiri first (not intended).

- Old semi-critical bug: not being able to end the day with Meiri, after having cleaned the pot that day.
- Pot dragging intro across the village being replayed if the day before you didn't pick that task.
- Several Zoom panel activation 'before time' in Pot Guy (Galdryn) scenes.

0.6 beta4
- 14 "theheat" typos thoughout the game.
- Nesi kiss animation layers incorrectly sorted.
- Nesi kiss animation mouth shut.

- Nemiri floating outside the water at the end of the first 'knead boobs' scene.
- 20 "thehell" typos changed to "the hell" (LOL).

0.6 beta2
- You could miss the first and even the second Nemiri waterfall scenes, if you progressed with Nesi scenes before encountering Nemiri.

0.6 beta1

- Mechanic: K can take a bath at the waterfront now (once per day). Wash the pot once to unlock.
- Content: Two new events (first and repeating variation) for two NPCs, while bathing in the waterfront.
- Content: New Eri scene (pot wash fail). First and repeating variations.
- Graphics: Ripped outfits added to Status Screen.
- Graphics: Night sky for Nursery.
- Engine: Run toggle state is now stored in savegames.
- Engine: Animation Culling toggle (default: Enabled). Can be disabled in the Options Screen for troubleshooting purposes.
- Minor: Updated 'how to run' tip (when exiting K's room) with 'hold button to move'.

- Engine: NPCs preloading re-enabled (slightly longer game startup).
- Engine: Most NPC state machines migrated to templates (way better asset management).

- Innacurate fade out/in after flagship room shower.
- The Ship and the Holocomputer won't scream 'Merry Christmas' anymore (LOL).
- Incorrect 'Zoom activated before time' warning during Gatekeeper intro scene.
- Intro scene in the guard's tent not progressing to the Chieftain's audience.
- Several objects (firepit/torches/etc) shown like at night time, if loading a Day 1 savegame.
- First pot dragging skipped to Galdryn directly (not intended).
- First pot dragging scene not targetting the guard when he speaks.
- NPCs "waking up" when entering their location.
- Nursery babies stop crying after loading from night to day.

Known issues (new):
- Chieftain Jakuul doesn't move during the Intro.
- K briefly flashes at the start of some animations.


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