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So this is how they'll sleep. I imagine you won't mind, right...? ^_^

Oh, and it also makes things easier for me, LOL.

Anyway, I'm doing this because there will be a 'night time' in the game at some point.

Cya guys.




At some point do you mean in .5 or future patches? Thanks for the updates!


Functional (aka. with content) at some point. In 0.5 you'll just be able to roam at night time, but the majority of people will be sleeping.


So no one responded to my last comment so I'll say it again. Do you guys think maybe Krystal's muzzle should be longer because she is a fox


Her muzzle is pretty much just as long as the lizards which in my opinion looks weird


I'm not in charge of the artistic side of the game. But I can tell you that if we were to change that, a lot of animations would start to look weird as well (oral mainly). In other words: what's done is done.


It just a suggestion


It was*


Perfect! But I want to know...when 0.5 will be released?


Just a moment before her new cuddle buddy joins in


Hmm... it might look more natural if she had her right hand on her stomach or something similar. She looks a little bit stiff as it is

Mr Stealth

Not at all. Better than getting soaked while asleep. But as Sivi said, maybe soften the pose up a bit. A slightly bend leg, a arm in a different position, head rolled left or right or other options.


I wonder if one time she would forget to wash cum off of her and just sleep covered in it and K would see her. The options lick it off of her is just sooooo good.


Would be nice if we had male character do her while she sleep


That "breaks" the Z axis, you know. Some pretty complex scaling/shearing would be needed and replicated across multiple skins. So, for something trivial like this I'd prefer to stay clear of further work. That said, I think most of the stiffness comes from that hand. I've asked Kuja to draw a 'planted' version that will look more natural.


I found your game last week and I have played it through twice now. I can't get enough of it. Thank you so much for all the work you've put into it and I can't wait to see more of it! I'll up my donations once I get more money coming in haha


Sorry for the stupid question, but when will the new update be released? I have seen all your stream, it looks like you are preparing a big update, but after all, 2 months or not wasn’t it ?!


I need to release it around 20th, because in November I'll be traveling abroad without access to my desktop computer. Those ten days till the end of the month, I just hope to use them to fix bugs and plan my trip... :-/


good trip to you especially! How long are you leaving? 10 days right?


Travel is wonderful,I am very happy that the 0.5 version is about to be ready.After all, we lost a September.


Nope, full November! That's why I need to get it done before.


Damn did it, I follow you for a longer time... Never ever put money in Patreon before(im too poor lol). All your streams... and the Things that I saw about your game did it to me, I want to see this game so badly to succeed. All the well made Work and constantly Updates. You guys deserve much more.