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Hi there!

The results are pretty clear: you want a drilling scene in v0.4. Fine by me! I'll get to it asap. ^_^

This month, for the first time since we're in "business", I'll make content first and then the features I could fit in before available time runs out. I think it'll be a better approach to ensure there are no delays.

So, other than the new zooming option already done, I was thinking of finally implementing cheat codes or a cheat console. I think it is time and a good deal of you are asking for it. Remember, however, that cheats are supposed to be a Bloodbound reward.

Thank you for your time and support, guys.




Sounds cool. You know how to create a pleasant intrigue : )

Shingi Kame

is v 0.4 going to be released like v 0.3 so 2 months after v 0.3?


Nope, this month's end. We're going to do everything in our power to release smaller but more frequent updates from now on.


Don't over push yourself, we don't want LOKB ended up like the rest of LOK.


Same, just don’t fall into the easy trap of pushing things off. It’s like being on salary. It’s easy to take time and hard to work, but just don’t lose track of the goal guys! You’re doing fantastic!!


That's fine, but does it *have* to be Cenvir though...? Personally I'd much prefer Pot Guy. Dude doesn't even have a damn name and he's *still* a more interesting character than Cenvir


Guys, I know that I'm not particularly competing, but I can not help but notice. Please do not overdo it, because you can lose interest in the characters if so quickly everything will move forward. I understand, I, too, would like something more concrete, but be careful with the fulfillment of the wishes of the patrons, this often destroys projects. I do not want to offend anyone, but most patrons can not assess the situation as a whole, they can not look to the future, it's sad. Listen to patrons, but polls, in my opinion, should be less specific, it's dangerous. Sorry, I'm just really worried about the REALLY GOOD content that you are making, now there are not enough teams that can do it. P.S. I'm a psychologist and not a linguist, so there may be misunderstandings.

Shingi Kame

i Have to agree with center here...the pot guy seems almost anoying at this point in time as youre mostly forced to meet him every day and he donst have that much stuff to do with so i would prefer to have some new scenes with him..maybe the 69 scene that was not available in v0.3 with cenvir and the eri scene that couldn´t make it in the game.


Hi! in my personal opinion i think that i would be fine to go deeper on the game story and other characters,maybe the "sex events" doesn´t be only punishments where Krys must to do it for dinner,maybe a night event where she meets Cenvir on the vacant tent. that woud be ok,it´s only an opinion. I regret my terrible English.


I am worried only that you may be moving a bit to fast. Taking your time to map out things to move forward, rather than giving us polls to vote on would be better in my opinion, and would be better for your own sanity. If you make a map of progress forward, with maybe small surprises here and there for us who pledge, I would be perfectly alright with. I want to see the game complete, and not become unfinished because of burnout.


You guys shouldn't worry about us abandoning the project due to too much pressure. Two households (and mine's pretty big) depend on you liking this enough to maintain your financial support. So this is a full-time job since many months ago, for both of us. Another thing entirely is how to balance new content with new mechanics. And chosen priorities for every month won't be to the liking of everyone. That I know. But if your concern is related to a possible burnout, you absolutely can discard that possibility, okay? Thank you all!


Can't wait for 0.4 content! Keep up the good work ;)


When is the most latest date for it to be ready?