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Hi there people!

Has a week passed already...? Well, there it goes another 0.023% of my life then. :-P

Anyway, I've been working on those engine revamps I talked you about last Monday. They're coming along nicely even though they touch critical things.

To be more precise, I'm talking about animation playing and sorting. It's all automated now, even though I've raised the number of separators per model to 30+. But that gives me flexibility to sandwich them in every conceivable way. Those may seem too many but trust me, that's nothing compared to the actual number of attachments (images) each model has...

Now I only need to write one line for the magic to happen, and more importantly, avoiding human errors commonly associated to heavy scripting, which no doubt you've already seen in some 0.2 instances.

Of course, that will also help on content creation, now that I can be assured that all toons will behave exactly the same. So, I expect a really good 'return of investment' for these days of work.

Moreover, each NPC being a self-contained entity makes possible another revamp, which is no other than making the save/load system more solid and automated. Now, instead of making a list of things that need to be saved, I can just broadcast an event called 'SaveAll', and every object send their important variables to the appropriate save file.

Really, it's so beautiful to see all of that working in unison... ^_^

Well, this week I'll continue with these changes, always in the spirit of making future development easier. And when all of them are done I'll work on the status screen, which will replace the current pause menu with a prettier version.

Thanks for reading.



Sounds like you've streamlined production for yourself. That's great to hear. I really liked the last update, btw. A bit of constructive criticism thoough: It takes a really long time to progress at it's current state and with alot of repetition, obviously when more activities come up that allow users to vary the way they build lust, respect, etc. it won't be an issue, but for the sake of testing the earlier builds of the games I think it'd be a great idea to include some sort of cheat function to speed things up while we wait, so we can go through the motions without the current repetition. Other than that, the game looks, sounds, and feels great. I absolutely love what you've made so far and have followed for a while. I plan to pledge to you until it's done unless a financial situation pops up, just figured you'd like to know your work is appreciated. :) P.S. using the arrow keys to walk in the future, yay or nay?


love your work, can't wait for the next release. :3


I don't understand what any of that means but, good work :)


*bows head in respect*


Heh, I am almost always being "I have no idea what I am doing."

Shingi Kame

Reading this im like"What the Fuck am i Reading right now?! everything it just Raviolli Raviolli for me"


I posted this in lok forums but: Hi Abelius and Kuja. I dont know if you guys see this forum a lot but... I thought some ideas about futures jobs: Tier 1 Jobs could be jobs like gather berries, serve drinks or clean the armory and comunal tents Tier 2 Jobs could have something like learning about future jobs, hunting, explore, dance in the tavern... Tier 3 Jobs could be connected with tier 2, but in a more professional way (?) Tier 4 could start working with important people of the tribe, shaman for example, with the babys... In addition, when Krystal has more respect, can become into a messenger or mediator between the main tribe and other enemies tribes, it is not necessary to explain the possibilities offered by this hehehe


I'll definitely implement a 'Skip Intro' button that places you after the Chieftain's meeting. Also, a cheat console is something I also need to implement to honor BloodBound rewards fully, but I'm still looking for an appropriate plugin. However, the game is not designed at the moment for sudden increases of Lust points. You may miss something due to that. Regarding other forms of movement, it's been talked already and there's not an elegant way of implementing mouse and keyboard control at the same time with the plugin I'm using. And I'm not dropping the earlier for the latter, sorry. Thank you for your feedback.


Thanks for your suggestions. We'll take them in mind.


No worries, I understand. Thanks for considering though.