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[Abelius]: Hi there,

0.2 is stable and I don’t expect releasing more bugfixes past the ‘f’ version I uploaded some hours ago. Sorry for the inconvenience of that initial bad build, btw. :-/

Anyway, this post is to inform you guys that after some serious consideration, I’ve decided to spend the rest of this month revamping some important internal systems that have revealed as annoying trouble-makers.

Thing is, I wanted to launch 0.2 asap, knowing you people were waiting for it since November. So I found myself coding like a monkey more times than I feel comfortable enough. And indeed, that “just do this for now” syndrome has been responsible for a good deal of bugs I needed to fix after 0.2 launch. The time I didn’t spend before, I lost it eventually.

I don’t want to bore you with specific details, but this is something I really need to do before the whole situation gets out of hand. On why I didn’t do this before… well, as you already know, I’m an amateur. I’m constantly learning and improving my understanding of the many things this game needs to work. So, once in a while I discover a better approach at doing those things.

With that said, this is a good opportunity to release, along with those engine changes, a feature update at the end of April. It’s not going to be a spectacular one, considering we’re talking about little more than two weeks (I already lost one with the final 0.2 launch delay), but I’ll be aiming at implementing the Status Screen, which will also replace the pause menu and the placeholder stats upper panel, which is not particularly pretty, nor intuitive, and was getting in the way for the most part.

So a 0.2.1 version it is. Nevertheless, I’m still aiming for a content update in less than two months’ time, even if I can’t fit in all the content I’d like, okay?

I’ll get back to you people to continue informing you. And as always, thank you for your support.


Senoj Nai

I think something goofed, Nesi is never there at night when I end day. Krystal just says she's not here, goes and stands in the middle of the room and it rolls over into the next day. I get no dialogue with her trying to visit her at the tavern beyond a "see you later!" thing, and talking to Sek after the rescue always just gives the "Nice day huh?" dialogue.


ia there a scene with sek its a red option when you want to talk about him


I've broken something while fixing the other something of yesterday. :-( I'll upload yet another build in a while, sorry.


You need to talk about everything else before that option gets unlocked.


thx for the answers and what about the pot girl her option is in red even if i didnt almost everything in the game?


Are the scenes with pot only ones sexually themed? Because it looks like almost like 0.1 with some progress and changes...


there is a post called 'LOK Rebirth Guide' a bit down here and he is explaining what you can do for now. of course it contains spoilers, but if you are not sure what you should do in the game this probably be really helpful.


I signed up for the $1 pledge because I'm straped for cash but wanted to play the game at some point later on. It says you have two week delayed access to the game, where do I get it from? Is it emailed to me or do I get access to the patreon post which the new build of the game was given in?


it was posted as $25, $10 and $5 only post so far. so probably he gonna post it in the same way after 2weeks from the first 'official' version. the release date was April 6th, this means you have to wait about one more week from now. sorry so much for someone else is answering your question. he seems troubled during bug fixing process and must be working hard. i just want to minimize his extra task and doing this.


The game doesn't work all I get is black screen then the game crash and it's says something about d3d11 failed to create a 2d texture and an access violation is there any way to fix it ?


Keep going at it ! We’re rooting for ya!