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So, all the scene backgrounds are finally done for v0.1.

And now the "only" related thing that remains is to actually distribute objects in the tents interiors. A task I was going to do myself until I remembered I have the same artistic taste as an Uruk-hai... ?

So Kuja will make sure of maintaining the same quality standard as you’ve seen in the rest of the game when it comes to graphics. And just with a look at this you can see he does a far better job I’d be able to do…:

However, it’s not a small task. He was already focused on making objects and sending them to me, but now he will use them to make varied montages and adjust their lighting and shadows according to each scene config. I bet he will have his hands full for several days.

Good news for me is that thanks to being able to skip that unforgiving task, I will be able to focus on coding the actual game mechanics and adding the necessary animations that come with them.

Yes, with those new perky boobs… ?



The background scenery is looking simply gorgeous!!! <3 There's just a softness to them that makes everything look so dang wonderful~ Keep up the fantastic work, guys \( ^u^ )/!


[Abelius]: Kuja's a perfectionist but also extremely willing to make changes for technical reasons. It's a rare combination being so skilled and humble at the same time. :-)